# Factory (Constructor)

OpenAPIEnforcerMiddleware (enforcerPromise: Promise<any>)

This method is not technically a constructor function because it does not use the new keyword, but it performs a similar operation as a constructor and returns an object with methods you can execute.


Parameter Type Description
enforcerPromise Promise REQUIRED. An OpenAPI Enforcer (opens new window) promise. The easiest way to get this is to call the Enforcer factory. See the example below for details.

Returns an object with the following methods:

  • docs - Generate an endpoint for serving your OpenAPI documentation using Redoc.
  • init - Initialize the openapi-enforcer-middleware.
  • mock - Enable fallback (automatic) mocking.
  • on - Add event listeners.
  • route - Automatically generate routes.


const enforcer = await Enforcer('./openapi.yml')
const enforcerMiddleware = EnforcerMiddleware(enforcer)

# Docs

docs (options?: DocsOptions)

Generate an endpoint for serving your OpenAPI documentation using Redoc. This endpoint does not require that the init middleware be called first.


Parameter Type Description
options Docs Options An optional parameter that describes how the docs middleware should work.
# Init Options
Property Type Default Description
padding string 0 Specify the padding to wrap the docs page. Specifying an empty string will set the body margin and padding to defaults. Specifying any other value will set the body margin to zero and set the padding to the value specified.
preRedocInitScripts string[] [] An array of strings for each JavaScript source to load prior to calling the Redoc init function.
postRedocInitScripts string[] [] An array of strings for each JavaScript source to load after to calling the Redoc init function.
redoc object Redoc specific options. See redoc.cdnVersion and redoc.options for details.
redoc.cdnVersion string If specified then the public CDN will be used to get the redoc library with the version you've specified. If not specified then the middleware will look to see if you've installed the NPM Redoc package and will use your installed Redoc library. If not specified and you have not installed the Redoc package then it will use the next version off the CDN.
redoc.options object Options to pass directly to the redoc library during initialization.
styleSheets string[] An array of strings for each CSS href to load in the head of the HTML.
title string The HTML title for the page. Defaults to the title specified in the OpenAPI document info.title property with the exception that if that title is a blank string then it will use "API Documentation" as the title.


const Enforcer = require('openapi-enforcer')
const EnforcerMiddleware = require('openapi-enforcer-middleware')
const express = require('express')

async function run () {
  const app = express()

  const enforcerMiddleware = EnforcerMiddleware(await Enforcer('./openapi.yml'))

  // visiting http://<your-server.com>/docs will show the docs
  app.use('/docs', enforcerMiddleware.docs({
    padding: 0,
    preRedocInitScripts: ['/before-init.js'],
    postRedocInitScripts: ['/after-init.js'],
    redoc: {
      cdnVersion: 'next',
      options: {}
    styleSheets: ['/my-css.css'],
    title: 'My API'



# Init

init (options?: InitOptions)

Initialize the middleware. You need to call this function as an express middleware prior to the routes that you want to validate but after any body parsing middleware you want to add.


Parameter Type Description
options Init Options An optional parameter that describes how the init middleware should work.
# Init Options
Property Type Default Description
allowMockNoResponseSchema boolean true Allow the mocks to send back an empty response if no schema is provided.
allowOtherQueryParameters boolean or string[] false A boolean or string array. If a boolean, true indicates that any query parameters (even those not defined in your OpenAPI spec) are allowed. Using false indicates that no query parameters outside of those defined in your OpenAPI spec are allowed. Specifying an array of strings specifies what specific query parameters are allowed outside of your OpenAPI spec.
baseUrl string / The base path to use for serving middleware on. If requests start with /api then set the base path to "/api".
handleBadRequest boolean true How to handle invalid requests. If true a 400 response is sent back automatically. This means that a route you've defined will not be called when the request is invalid. If false and the request was invalid then your route will still execute but the enforcer property will not be set on the req and res objects.
handleBadResponse boolean true How to handle invalid responses. If true a 500 response is sent back automatically, if false the next middleware is called with the error and the error will be logged to the console.
handleNotFound boolean true How to handle requests for paths that do not exist. If true a 404 response is sent back automatically, if false the enforcer property is not set on the req and res objects.
handleMethodNotAllowed boolean true How to handle method not allowed. If true a 405 response is sent back automatically, if false the enforcer property is not set on the req and res objects.
ignoreRequestErrors boolean true Setting the handleBadRequest, handleNotFound, or handleMethodNotAllowed to false will allow the request to reach your route handler. If you'd prefer instead for it to call the next error handliing middleware then set this value to false.
mockHeader string "x-mock" The name to use for the mocking header. Set to an empty string to disable mock requests via the header. Learn about mocking.
mockQuery string "x-mock" The name to use for the mocking query parameter. Set to an empty string to disable mock requests via the query parameter. (The value specified will automatically be added to the allowedOtherQueryParameters.) Learn about mocking.
mockStore MockStore CookieStore This mock store to use if the request is an implemented mock request. Learn about mocking.
xMockImplemented string x-mock-implemented The name of the OpenAPI extension property that identifies if the operation has a mock response implemented in your code. Learn about mocking.

Returns an express middleware function.


const Enforcer = require('openapi-enforcer')
const EnforcerMiddleware = require('openapi-enforcer-middleware')
const express = require('express')

const app = express()

async function run () {
  const enforcerMiddleware = EnforcerMiddleware(await Enforcer('./openapi.yml'))
  const initOptions = {
    allowOtherQueryParameters: false,
    handleBadRequest: true,
    handleBadResponse: true,
    handleNotFound: true,
    handleMethodNotAllowed: true,
    mockHeader: 'x-mock',
    mockQuery: 'x-mock',
    mockStore: cookieStore,
    xMockImplemented: 'x-mock-implemented'

  // add paths and start server listening...


# Mock

mock ()

This function enables fallback (automatic) mocking. This is useful if your API is in development and you've written your OpenAPI spec but have yet to write all of the code to implement the endpoints. Fallback mocking will pick up any requests for endpoints that have not yet been implemented and will automatically generate responses to send back.



Returns an express middleware.


You'll want to add the fallback mocking middleware after your routes, otherwise it will handle all requests and your routes will never get called.

const Enforcer = require('openapi-enforcer')
const EnforcerMiddleware = require('openapi-enforcer-middleware')
const express = require('express')

async function run () {
  const app = express()
  const enforcerMiddleware = EnforcerMiddleware(await Enforcer('./openapi.yml'))
  // initialize enforcer middleware
  // add your implemented routes here
  app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  // add fallback mocking middleware here


# On

on (type: string, handler: Function)

Add an event listener. Currently, only the route middleware emits events.


Parameter Type Description
type string The type of event to listen for.
handler Function The function to call when the event occurs.

Returns nothing.

# Route

route (controllers: Object, options?: RouteOptions)`

Automatically routes requests to functions based on your OpenAPI document. This is done by specifying an x-controller and x-operation properties in your OpenAPI document and then telling this route middleware where to look to link those values to executable code.

The big advantage of using this middleware is that you don't have to update your express routes manually when your OpenAPI document changes.

For details, check out the Route Builder documentation.


Parameter Type Description
controllers Object The route controller map object.
options Route Options An optional parameter that can define how the route builder works.
# Route Options
Property Type Default Description
commonDependencyKey string common If using mapped dependencies then this is the mapping name for common dependencies. Learn more about this on the Route Builder page.
lazyLoad boolean false Whether to lazy load your controllers. Lazy loading will reduce how long it takes to start your app (although probably not by much) at the cost of having to load each controller the first time it is requested.
xController string x-controller The name of the property to look for in your OpenAPI document to specify the controller to use for an operation.
xOperation string x-operation The name of the property to look for in your OpenAPI document to specify the controller's operation to use for an operation. The OpenAPI property operationId can be used in place of this value.

Returns an express middleware.


Check of the Route Builder documentation for more details and examples.

const Enforcer = require('openapi-enforcer')
const EnforcerMiddleware = require('openapi-enforcer-middleware')
const express = require('express')
const dbClient = require('./db')

async function run () {
  const app = express()
  const enforcerMiddleware = EnforcerMiddleware(await Enforcer('./openapi.yml'))
  // initialize enforcer middleware
  // add route builder middleware
    users: {
      async listUsers (req, res) {
        const { rows } = dbClient.query('SELECT * FROM users')
        const users = rows.map(row => {
          return {
            id: row.id,
            name: row.name,
            email: row.email
